F. W. E. Special near mint VENDITTA

Alemana Engels near mint
Con su caja
6/8…19 mm en punta
110€ con envió certificado incluido

29 Me gusta

Que guapa!!! :heart_eyes: Suerte con la venta !!

2 Me gusta

Navajon! Tuve una e iba de vicio!

2 Me gusta

Gracias @Marckos, @Enzo1
Prácticamente NOS

3 Me gusta

Guapísima!, 6/8 no?

2 Me gusta


Tengo una exactamente igual y es una gran navaja, a buen precio :point_up:

4 Me gusta

History of F.W.Engels.
Between 1909 and 1943, Friedrich Wilhelm Engels’s company on Broome Street, New York City, would sell several models of excellent quality straight razors manufactured in Solingen, Germany – one of the hubs of stainless steel production and blade manufacture of the eighteenth through twentieth centuries. These razors, sold under the brand of F.W. Engels, were manufactured using Argo steel, some of the toughest and most durable steel ever used in the production of shaving blades.

Known for their ability to take and hold an edge for a considerable length of time, Engels razors were made by Engelswerk C.W. Engels, Foche, a company that also producedvarious other cutlery during its fifty-one years in operation. Founded by Carl-Wilhelm Engels in 1892, the company was later owned by the Engels family, comprising Carl-Wilhelm’s sons Emil and Villi, and his widow Matilda. Emil would actively encourage export of his family’s company’s goods, and increased the range produced to hundreds of catalogue items. He would partner with Friedrich Wilhelm Engels in New York to distribute their razors in America.

Unfortunately, Engelswerk CW Engels would be one of the many German companies to succumb to the ravages of World War II, and ceased operations in 1943. At the same time, F.W. Engels’s company would close its doors, as the supply of razors dried up.

Collectors looking for an F.W. Engels razor today can recognize them by the trademark, and the Hansel and Gretel logo, on the tang. The F.W.E. Special, Perfect Temper and Leader models were the most popular of the razors, which are frequently referred to as “Angels” in the wet shaving community. The company sold many beautiful, hard-wearing razors, known for their elegance and attractiveness, which included cracked ice or translucent celluloid scales, brass bolsters, gun blue tangs and tails, and the meticulous effort that went into each one to make it into a work of functional art

8 Me gusta

Vaya navajita bonita!!! Las cachas muy chula…

Suerte con la venta!

3 Me gusta

Navajon @oscaso suerte con la venta.

1 me gusta

A ver @oscaso, voy a darme la oportunidad de no llevármela. Dejo hasta el viernes a las 22:00 horas que algún alma caritativa me la quite de mi vista, de lo contrario me la quedo yo :man_facepalming:.

Es demasiado tentadora tanto en belleza como en precio para dejarla pasar sin más.

6 Me gusta

Seguro que nadie me quiere hacer el favor de pillarla?? :pray::pray:

1 me gusta

Volverá al cajón…

2 Me gusta

Si, al mio :laughing::laughing::laughing:

2 Me gusta

Javi @Russo … no me digas que vas a esperar hasta las 22:00h en punto!
Tanto suspense te va a matar! DISPARA ya! :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

2 Me gusta

VIERNES! O sea, mañana a las 22

3 Me gusta

Coño! Pues el que debe de estar sufriendo el suspense soy YO! :joy: :joy:

3 Me gusta

Nada, que no espero más, el que no haya tenido tiempo que no venga llorando :joy::joy:
Para mí @oscaso

8 Me gusta

Adjudicada al caballero.

Si no le satisface… Me la devuelves… Y me quedo navaja y dinero​:joy::rofl::joy:

En serio… Garantía total de devolución

4 Me gusta

Enhorabuena por la compra a disfrutarla muuuchos afeitados y mejor garantia imposible PD no se la devuelvas que con este Oscar pierdes pan y perro :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

2 Me gusta

Gracias @vento

1 me gusta